Bootealicious Blog

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woman wearing a peach swimsuit

woman with oranges floating


4 Tips for a Spa Vacation at Home

If you’re anything like us, then right about this time of year you’re ready for a vacay. And not just any vacay—a relaxing, soothing, chilled-out spa vacation. But maybe you’re too busy to get away, or a luxury spa retreat is just not in the budget. No worries, babe! You can make a spa vacation at home with just a little effort. Depending on the vibe you want, you can go solo for a relaxing experience, or invite some pals...

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woman eating healthy sandwich


The Perfect Post-Workout Snacks

You’ve broken a sweat, pumped some iron, finished that 5k run, completed countless sun salutations; whatever got you here, you’ve done your workout, and now you are feeling hella HUN-GRY. You put in the work, so you deserve to eat whatever you want right? Well, hold up a minute babe, because what you snack on after a big workout can be just as important as the workout itself! You don’t want all that hard work to go to waste, right?...

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three dessert cups on top of white table


Five Fabulous Smoothie Bowls

Okay, let’s be real for a sec. Who doesn’t love a good smoothie bowl? Nobody, that’s who. So if you’re like everyone else that’s been scrolling through their Insta feed and been hit with photo after delicious-looking photo of smoothie bowl, you might be wondering, “what’s the big deal”; it’s just a smoothie in a bowl, with some fruit and other goodies are thrown on-top. Well, you’re right, but that’s the beauty of it. These smoothie bowls are so easy...

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woman wearing white swimsuit by the pool


5 Exercises for a TONED Upper Body

If you’re anything like us, you are super looking forward to the summer. Wait, scratch that… CRAVING the summer! Hot weather, delicious drinks, and hanging out at the pool are all things us babes love to do. But hold up, because if you’re gonna be hanging out at the pool, you’re gonna be looking darn fine while doing so. So what’s the key to a killer body? Our Bootealicious teatox is going to get you most of the way there,...

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Image of a Tablet


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